This page will eventually have links to some free resources for speakers and potential speakers. I am currently working on an e-book which will be finished soon.
Speaker Tip No 1 – Always give the Audience a Take away
No matter how informative or educational your presentation or Keynote Speech was, if no one takes action as a result, you have to ask if it was worthwhile. The information may have been fantastic, but without action, it’s gone with the wind. After my communication Keynote Speech. I often ask the audience to see if they can make it to midnight without using the word “but”. It’s a small thing but if they take instant action on one point they might take action on another.
It Is What You Say
Its often said that “It’s not what you say it’s the way that you say it”. There is some truth in that as your vocal variety and body language can enhance or diminish the impact of your speech or presentation.
If the words are wrong no amount of body language or changes in pitch, tone or volume will improve the impact. Before you start to hone your speech craft, get your story right.
Check out my Communication advice in my book – It IS what you say.